Monday 20 April 2015

New media VS Old media


What is New media:
New media refers to on-demand access to content anytime, anywhere, on any digital device, as well as interactive user feedback, creative participation.


social networking 
you tube 

our generation tends to revolve all around new media because that's all we know basically as we cannot survive without our phones (technology).

most technologies are described to be new media and new media can only be interacted with unlike old media products such as TV which you cannot interact with and its identifies you as a specific and unique user.

this advert expresses views from male and female paired fragrances called Axe Anarchy (they actually import what there audiences/viewers want to see which shows consumer loyalty. This advert revolves around the audience/viewers as they write and tell you what will happen next in the story behind Axe the fragrance so it makes you have a relationship with the advert because you technically interacting with the product. This product therefore came to life on youtube (promoted on youtube to gather awareness of product). the slogan is  "The graphic novel written by you" (which sums up the product) this to me was a good way at gathering the audiences attention because we use fragrances on the daily in order for us to smell good and to be noticed other (sexual ad) so its saying if you buy this fragrance it would improve your sexual appeal. there main purpose was for audiences to interact with audiences they also made it available through social networking (facebook, twitter...) and in chat rooms just for the product.

comparison with:

Billboard: kitkat

this is considered as old media for it not being digital. Therefore, you are  not able to interact with the product at hand meaning u can't (have a relationship with the product as the product doesn't know you).

Although, this type of viewing is known as pass-by/walk by adverts mainly because they do not engage and appeal to all audiences passing by the bill board ad.

the difference in the way old media targets their audiences compared to new media is that they aim to target their product at a wide audience share because billboard appear everywhere and they are big in size so the are pretty hard to miss so its trying to grab the attention of many people as possible and the demographics for old media (billboards) is any age, gender race and social economic background as its purpose is to target a large audience share.

the way audiences consume  old media (billboards) which cannot be interacted with because it's non digital like new media witch is digital and can be interacted with because you are able to access content any time as well as give feedback. this  product is viewed by passing implying that you have to walk by to gather awareness of it. furthermore, you have no control ovr this product because it not digital and you cant skip it because you are not a captive audience unless your on catch up tv. 
you are able to recognise that this is old media because its print based and its old media.


  1. 1. How can you recognise this is an old or new sector, what platform/where would you find it, how are adverts presented (ie TV in between programmes, Youtube before a video plays you can sometimes skip?, Pop Ups when you go to a website.

    2. What are the differences in how they target their audiences - individual and personal, or based on larger demographics like women's magazine or kids tv channel

    3. How do the audience consume these ads differently (see, watch, interact, active or background noise). Is it casual, passing, is it via your phone or device, do you have control over it, do the audience like or retweet or interact with the ad? What are the differences? Can you skip it or are you a captive audience?

  2. Needs greater description of the actual New Media advert to achieve the Pass.

    For Merit - Explain how the Axe advert is recognisable as New Media - where would you find it (what website?), how do you actually interact with it, you have already outlined the differences, just needs more detail on the New Media ads.

    How is this specific example different to the bilboard.
