Thursday 30 April 2015

Task 3: Persuasive Techniques

Reliability of product or service, e.g. through longstanding institutions or products?

                                             Oxfam: the power of people against poverty 

Oxfam is a long standing institution that people trust when it comes to charity. They are a well known high street store that sell donated items to raise money for the less privileged,  their vision on their website is to eradicate poverty they are an international organisation in over 90 country's. Presently they are in Nepal to rescue victims/casualties of the earthquake. 

The above advertising uses the power of repetition, picture, cues to persuade people to donate 2pounds a month they use real life people in real situation to drive their point of appeal home 2 pounds is not a lot of money so people are going to find it quite easy to pick up the phone a free number to call. 

Emotional appeal:

They used a familiar nursery ryhme (this is the house that jack built) to appeal to peoples nostalgic sense of when they were young. They also used a real person Hajita and used her family,children in school, women in humble surroundings/scenery to strike an emotional cord for audiences viewing. The repertition of "the well that oxfam built promises a reward to the kind actions of giving if you give 2 pounds a month a sense of giving to a worthy cause.

The way the repeated 2 pounds a month and Hijitas story is the technique exaggeration this makes audiences 

You would be able to recognise this oxfam advert due to it's name and logo in the top corner, the slogan too and also how Oxfam presents the advert about the less fortunate as if it's a nursery rhyme as they use the technique repetition, which is away to grab the audiences attention. however, this advert makes you feel sympathy for the less fortunate so it makes you dig into your pockets to dish out your credit cards to provide help for them.

Celebrity endorsement: 

Their was no celebrity involved in the advert because they want to show how reliable they are to audiences by providing facts, proof, and work being done to help also their was no music involved as because they wanted audiences to be focused on the narrator so audiences could understand the message being presented.


"The power of the people against poverty" tells us a lot  showing that they are trying to help the less fortunate to a decent living i also think it portraying that its up to us the audience to decide their fate really as our money could save a life.

Youth audiences:I honestly, think that youth audiences would like celebrity endorsements and repetition because its something they can relate too e.g. their dream celebrity in a advert makes them thirsty to copy their aspiration or repetition because in the process of growing up (nursery rhymes) always stick in our minds but repetition is really effective due to it making sure that audiences don't forget what the advert message is truly about as on the other hand the celebrity could distract them from the product for example Justin Bieber in a young girls eyes.

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