Wednesday 6 May 2015

Assignment 2 task 4

Task 4: What are the codes around non broadcasting advertising?

My allocated  job (research):

What is Sales Promotion?:
Sales Promotion is basically an incentive for audiences/consumers for it's used to introduce a new product by promoting it through as many forms of synergy available to the product, therefore sales promotion is the set marketing activity which is undertaken in order to boost sales of any product or service.

sales promotion:
Sales excite audiences to want to get engaged with the product and its offers. I also brings more awareness for the business as audiences are hung on the fact that its a sale. It also allows businesses to sell the products that are  not as appealing as the ones that have been sold to consumer/audiences already, this process allows business to maximise revenue. sales promoters must takes legal advice before embarking on promotions with prizes via: prize draws, instant wins and competitions

Banned Advert:

the advertising standard authority is a self regulatory body organisation for the UK that enables the broadcasting of inappropriate things to audiences for example: swearing, lying, libel, sexual appeal and slander.

This advert was banned because of concern of its "sexual appeal". It's is to sexual because their are young audiences out there watching so it is inappropriate which also formed complaints as parents as they not be happy/pleased with what there children are being forced to watch (unlike the BBC that has no adverts) as its compulsory. It was even said that the ASA regulatory body received 8 complaints about the advert that it was offensive and that is overtly sexual while on the other hand its objectifying women and most importantly the content bore no relationship to the advertised product.

firstly, that all  promoters are responsible for all aspects and all stages of their promotions. they also have to advertise truthful,socially responsible, legal, and accurate description of the product at hand in addition they have to avoid causing any unnecessary disappointment and alienating potential consumers out side the specific target market.  

Most of the rules set by CAP and the BCAP apply to youth advertising this insures that adverts protect teenagers and young children from being influenced. The children codes portrays that adverts aimed at young audience, should be appropriate and deemed worthy for their eyes.

My advert does not break any of these regulatory bodies.

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