Tuesday 19 May 2015

Task 2 Types & Task 3 Persuasive Techniques

Pass: Describe 2 different Types of adverts from different Sectors in how they use Persuasive techniques

Choose the example from above that best describes your persuasive technique. Then choose another for a different technique

Advert 1
Task 2: What Type of Advert is this?

celebrity adverts (celebrity endorsed; episodic or story based)
Celebrity endorsement
1. How is this type of ad recognisable as being a "Celebrity Endorsement" advert?
this type of advert recognises  this as a celebrity endorsement due to the use of a celebrity in this case David Beckham and as you can see they have used a slogan 'bend it like beckham' which is the name to one of his own movie (a football film about Beckham and his skills in scoring goals)

2. Discuss what in this advert makes it fit into this category (use the example).
The ad uses the personality and popularity of David Beckham to get people to accept the product.  It like saying see Beckham loves this product.  It also uses a popular slogan 'Bend it like Beckham' used to refer to Beckham because of his football skills.

3. Explain what characteristics/associations this gives the product?
The line 'Bend it like Beckham' is a popular saying about how Beckham skill fully curves the ball into the goal post.  They are associating the iphone 6 to be skillful, flexibility and full of tricks like Beckham football skills. Popularity, trendy, got a lot of character.

4. Why is this type effective/appropriate in selling/promoting this product to its audience (who are they - age, gender, demographic, lifestyle & interests etc?)
They are likely to be young, love football, will understand the play on words.  They are 17 - 45, sporty, trendy like Beckham and want to push the limits.

What Sector?
Banner Ad (online new media)

Task 3: Persuasive Technique
1. Identify the technique and describe how you recognise this technique in this advert as a suitable example

this type of advert recognises  this as a celebrity endorsement due to the use of a celebrity in this case David Beckham and as you can see they have used a slogan 'bend it like beckham' which is the name to one of his own movie (a football film about Beckham and his skills in scoring goals). scoring free kicks by bending the ball past a wall of defenders.

2. What is it persuading the audience of and how does it do this in the advert?

How the advert is persuading youth audiences: they are persuading youth audience by backing their quality product by using a celebrity endorsement to gather more awareness/popularity for the product which is to make youth audiences want to buy the product as the person they look up to has been linked to it. secondly it is persuading the audience that its flexible so you can relate that to beckhams life from footballer to a model showing his flexibility.

3. Why does this technique appeal to a youth audience?

celebrity endorsement this technique appeals to youth audiences because they have someone they look up to and respect advertising new technology that they are interested in so it engages them even more wanting to buy the product.They are likely to be young, love football, will understand the play on words also the most clear one of all  those who love David Beckham.

Advert 1
Task 2: What Type of Advert is this?

 the symbolic advert (e.g. where a flu germ is portrayed as an alien)
personality/characteristics: crazy aggressive, emotional, 'bit of a animal' - its made from animals, product shows it - trying to break free. clearly portraying that its an animal. they also gave the pepperoni boots which gives it a character he is also crazy in the way it laughs.

1. How is this type of ad recognisable as being a "?" advert?
imagery and symbolism of the pepperoni advert actually animates the pepperoni giving it a character (a sense of meaning/belonging) allowing it to speaks and acts definitely (rebellious: like a teenager) it starts out by saying he is misunderstood (a familiar phrase with people) and goes into a hyper activity. Actions that would endear it to kids and teenagers (youth audience).

2. Discuss what in this advert makes it fit into this category (use the example).
the advert of the pepperoni makes it fit into this category because it gives a character/personality to meat making it animated. the characteristics being expressed in this advert: crazy aggressive, emotional, 'bit of a animal'
3. Explain what characteristics/associations this gives the product?
it has been given an animal character as the way its portrayed in the advert which is an irony as its made from a animal via: a pig (pepperoni made from pig). it also has different emotions being played in this advert e.g. crazy laughing, rebellious, aggressive and lastly emotional.

4. Why is this type effective/appropriate in selling/promoting this product to its audience (who are they - age, gender, demographic, lifestyle & interests etc?)

This type of advertising is effective in selling/promoting to its audience because it also grabs the  attention of audiences but children love it due to the type of way they advertised their advert. by bring it to life by giving it a personality/character.

What Sector?

TV Broadcast Ad (old media)

1 Identify the technique and describe how you recognise this technique in this advert as a suitable example

symbolism: imagery and symbolism of the pepperoni advert actually animates the pepperoni giving it a character (a sense of meaning/belonging) allowing it to speaks and acts definitely (rebellious: like a teenager) it starts out by saying he is misunderstood (a familiar phrase with people) and goes into a hyper activity. Actions that would endear it to kids and teenagers (youth audience).

2. What is it persuading the audience of and how does it do this in the advert?
personality/characteristics:  - branding: crazy, different, slogan - play in words
emotional feelings... bringing it to life character -

the slogan for pepperoni "IT'S A BIT OF AN ANIMAL"(this ad animates it to act in an animal manner) implying its brings out the animal in you. you are also persuaded through the product being brought to life to broadcast the message. it expresses several types of emotions in the advert e.g. Branding: crazy, rebellious, aggressive, and emotional.  

3. Why does this technique appeal to a youth audience?
 this technique is appealing to youth audiences because it engages them as they have brought the product to life making it even more interactive and also they gave him characteristics making it real. its also because its different and engaging.

This type of advertising is effective in selling/promoting to its audience because it also grabs the  attention of audiences but children love it due to the type of way they advertised their advert.

Merit: Types 
Explain the difference between the 2 types in the 2 examples - refer to specifics ie 'the demonstration ad has a before and after of the product being used, whereas the symbolic advert shows the product as a superhero and the flu/dirt/germs/hunger as a super villain'

symbolism vs celeb

the slogan for pepperoni "IT'S A BIT OF AN ANIMAL"(this ad animates it to act in an animal manner) implying its brings out the animal in you while on the other hand the the apple advert using David Beckham to sell to audiences actually uses a real person who obviously has a character to promote their product.

Merit: Persuasive Techniques
Explain the use of Persuasive Techniques in the examples and compare 2 ads

celeb vs brand identity (personalities) - real vs not,
David Beckham qualities and his life have been used to describe the qualities of the apple I phone the slogan they used ' bend it like Beckham is associated to his life as he was known bend it Beckham for his famous bending free kicks. while on the other hand the pepperoni advert is a made up character given characteristics to form a advertising technique known as branding using characteristics to bring a product to life. the similarities is that they both have characters which is used to describe themselves or a product.  

Advert 1
1. Explain how this technique works – does it appeal to identifying with the characteristics of the product or to logic and reason-decisions to buy?

David Beckham: celebrity endorsement
this type of technique works because they have used a celebrity who is associated with the slogan to create more awareness. they also used his life to base the slogan  as he was a former footballer who could bend the ball like no other. it also appealing because of the celebrity and the film that revolved around him call 'bend it like Beckham.

Advert 2
2. Explain how this technique works – does it appeal to identifying/being associated with the characteristics of the brand or to logic and reason-decisions to buy the product?

pepperoni: symbolism 
This type of advertising is effective in selling/promoting to its audience because it also grabs the  attention of audiences but children love it due to the type of way they advertised their advert. this technique works as it interests and engages audiences to want to buy their products using branding to bring out character. actually animates the pepperoni giving it a character (a sense of meaning/belonging) allowing it to speaks and acts definitely.

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